Hey! It's Zeke & Nate Bake!
The How...and more importantly...The Why
We get the question a lot.
In fact, you may have asked it yourself.
What possessed you?
We aren't chefs, or any type of culinary professionals.
However, we are professionally curious individuals, and that is what lead us directly to create this book of banana breads.
With a pinch of stir crazy and a dash of creative chaos, this book came together at histories height of egg prices, and yet ...the book survived.
Zeke & Nate are always dreaming up new ideas and endlessly creating. Their latest collaboration is Going Bananas: A Banana Bread Cookbook. They are storytellers, dreamers and co-collaborators. They love to tell stories through film and photography, as well as the written word.
Their many projects range from books, screenplays, product development, film and television, documentary and photography.
While they have written other projects together.
This is their first book. We're currently Going Bananas!
Follow Along & Buy Our Book!